Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Weekly Bitch: Lies! Courtesy of MTV and Viacom

Lately I’ve been having that familiar “have I lost my mind?” feeling. Now, I’m aware that religiously watching shows on MTV will eventually dumb my brain down to the point of idleness, but they’re lying to me, too. Last month, MTV announced repeatedly that the VMA’s were only to be aired once. I regrettably decided to skip Discovery Channel's “Decoding Nostradamus”. Thanks to MTV I’ll never know how the world is going to end, or what a four-lined quatrain is. The network pissed me off again last night when they aired a lame “catch-up” episode of the Hills without notifying me first. I know this is probably what I get for having such superficial, mindless entertainment tastes, but I don’t like it.

Ultimately, MTV and Viacom are dealing with competition from web-based broadcasting companies like You Tube, and are attempting to make up lost ad revenue. But do they really think we’re that dumb? Apparently they do. Did they think we wouldn’t notice that the VMA’s were played their usual eight million times? And did they think I wanted to spend my Monday night watching a recap of an already uneventful reality show? Well, I didn’t. And what are they planning on doing next to make a buck? Convince me that my left kidney is a contestant on their new show, “A Vital Organ for Hasselhoff”, and then sell it on the black market? What else do they want me to give up besides my time, dignity, and brain power?

Next week's Bitch: Catholicism, celibacy, and under-aged boy touching

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